Dainty Dowager

Honouring an empress dowager with plentiful roast meats.

Dainty Dowager

The Dainty Dowager is a modern Asian bar in Mount Lawley serving up their speciality roast duck.

The idea for the brand started with a trip to the local Asian grocery store, where images of historic Asian women in the style of the old Chinese calendars became the inspiration.

The logo we developed provides a nice contrast to the feminine image elements used throughout the brand’s print and web material, and was made into a neon sign to capture that nostalgic Dirty Dancing vibe.

After dining at many Asian restaurants, we found that no one was really innovating the menu.

The challenge was to combine the food and drinks menu into a format that was separable but at the same time co-operative. We also wanted it to portray the concept of the ‘dowager’- that is a widow with a title or property derived from her late husband.

After much folding and experimentation, we created the love-heart shaped fold by interlocking the two menus together. Through the process of separating the menus (ie. breaking the heart), the brand concept is further strengthened. It was a different way to present the menus and also didn’t require too much effort from the wait staff.

Dainty Dowager

Dainty Dowager

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